Unconventional Explorations into Uninhabited Areas of Physics
Through Thought Experiments in the Form of Simulations...

This is NOT an educational site. The views expressed here are not those of mainstream physics.
If you want to contribute to the wiki, email me at the address given in the Contact page.
Legend:  sim  : Article with simulation --  stb  : Article that needs development (stub).

Visual Physics Wiki:About

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This site was launched on August 30, 2005, in order to present the theory I have named "Proper Time Adjusted Special Relativity". In its original form (let's call it "Visual Physics 1.0"), it started off in a simple way, a few pages and a Java simulation that presented the theory. However, there are many more ideas I wanted to explore in physics – methods and areas of investigation that are rather outside the mainstream.

Aims of the Site

Essentially, I want to examine the whole field of what could be termed "Metaclassical Physics", i.e. everything after the Michelson-Morley experiment on the one hand, and the Black Body Radiation and the Photoelectric Effect on the other, the experiments that led to the development of Relativity and Quantum Physics respectively, and I am mainly interested in the first stages of the development of these theories, in their foundations, before the establishment of the main avenues of research that led to the Standard Model and beyond.

In a sense, I want to start from the beginning, and see what can be discovered by taking different turns at critical junctions of the evolution of theory development. Since the project is quite large, I set up this physics theory development portal that includes a Wiki, a Forum, and a Blog, so that people can collaborate in developing the theory on the basis of an open contribution model. (Update on this: As of October 2015 there is no Forum anymore. The site never attracted anyone interested to contribute. See the most recent blog post.)

Technical Information

Visual Physics 2.0 is made up of a number of integrated components:

"Sociological" Considerations

A small note about the simple way I will be trying to work things out here. Right now there are a lot of very smart and highly trained people who use the abstract mathematics approach in physics to good effect. Personally I do not have much faith in the ability of this approach to give physically meaningful solutions for the reasons I have outlined in Theoretical Considerations. Here I will try to explore things in simpler ways to see what can come out of it.

Also, as is evident from the Project Outline (see Main Page), I will be following paths that are quite different from the prevalent avenues of research. I suspect that these paths will prove quite fruitful, but this remains to be seen in the proof of the pudding.

A final note
I do not have any illusions as to the interest these theories may generate or the acceptance they may have. I am outside the scientific community, and this means that it will be almost impossible to be heard. On the other hand, I do not like the option of not even trying. If these theories prove wrong, I will be the first to admit it. If they prove right, at least they will be publicly available for anyone who may want to have a look. Since they are way outside the mainstream, only someone with very high credentials (which I lack) could make the scientific community notice them. I believe however that at some point some physicist with such credentials will stumble upon these ideas as I have stumbled upon them.

About Me

My name is George Barouxis, and I live in Athens, Greece. On the web I usually use the nickname Gebar (obviously from GEorge BARouxis). I have a BA from an American college based in Greece, and I have studied for 2-3 years in the National Technical University of Athens. I work as a professional freelance book translator for more than 25 years (English to Greek and vice versa), and I have translated almost everything, science, psychology, health, alternative medicine, as well as a lot of fiction by known and unknown authors. In my translation site, you can see a selection of the books I have translated over the years.


See also